Dr. James Dentley


Dr. James Dentley is an entrepreneur, best-selling author of The 5 Frequencies of High performance, philanthropist and one of the nation’s top Life and Business Strategist. As one of the world’s most renowned motivational speakers, James Dentley is a dynamic personality and highly sought after resource in business and professional circles for Fortune 500 CEOs, small business owners, non-profit and community leaders from all sectors of society looking to expand opportunity. He is also an annual 7 figure earner in the MLM industry and has trained over 80 people to earn over one million dollars.

James Dentley hosts and speaks at events all over the world! He created the #1 speakers and communication program ‘Inspired2Speak: Action Camp. Created in 2008, this program has helped aspiring and established speakers to create a global impact and create the success they desire. Dentley has made headlines by partnering and lending his voice to disruptive companies in the financial services arena. He has received over 100 awards, including the Legacy Award. Other winners of this award include Frank Shankwitz, the founder of The Make A Wish Foundation, Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, and actors Matthew McConaughey and Ashton Kutcher.